In the current age we still call Hunters people with guns.
I understand some people can't be impartial or observe a thing objectively, so they down vote without even using Hunter, but that is a very heavy handed nerf. 3 seconds of that and invisibility is nothing. 9 seconds WAS A LONG TIME to be sure, but 3 seconds makes it all but pointless to stop for a crouched shot. It takes a second for the wallhack overlay to establish itself as is, as it ebbs and flows. A moment of invis and you break the lunge distance. Since the super nerf, this class remained viable cause of its passive game, despite it's T-Rex arms sans smoke grenade. Now everyone should stick to Arc strider (the last Hunter roaming likely up for a nerf) and Blade barrage. At least you decided to leave the already nerfed super armor resilience untouched on it and Goldy (which has nothing). The new armor looks nice though.
Even 1 second of wallhacks is too much on anything. Invisibility both in view and radar for 9 seconds sure. Wallhacks? Yeah remove pls.
As a Warlock main I can agree with you on this. Three seconds is too short. Five would have been better.
Modifié par Seiryoku : 9/6/2019 3:20:21 AMWhy do we keep adding ways to get automatic free kills through A.I. (arc buddies, arc web) or AoE melees (Slams, tackles, handheld novas, burns) and punish the class that uses actually gunplay in a fps. Is it cause we are an RPG now?
Can anyone clarify if the stealth is also shortened to 3 seconds? I wouldn’t mind if I could have invisibility for 9 seconds and wall hacks for 3 seconds. Otherwise this subclass is -blam!-ing stupid and useless.
A good sniper with wallhacks and invisibility is incredibly broken. This is a much needed change.
They should remove the crouch requirement after this change.
nah im glad it got nerfed, and 3 seconds sounds like nothing but in a fast paced shooter like this that is still plenty of time for wallhacks
Graviton Forfeit better get a buff
As a Warlock main, I'm kinda getting pissed off that they keep shitting on Hunters with nerfs. Nerfing Truesight's effect on Flawless Execution to 3 seconds is overkill, and with no other buffs to compensate it (not even a PvE damage buff for the Super), it's like they're trying to kill off Way of the Wraith.
Bruh you still get 3 seconds of active wall hacks and for what exactly? a crouched headshot? this perk is completely flawed and shouldn’t even exist calm down
So they are nerfing it to the ground? If so OEM needs nerfed into the ground as well just saying
I honestly think they should get rid of smoke for that Path. Bring back the backstab knife. What's the point of a melee buff if the smoke grenade barely does any damage from the start.
They need to increase it's visual range and have a stronger highlight for more powerful enemies (guardians with full super and Majors/Ultras)
Modifié par reenry : 9/6/2019 2:53:14 AMI feel like Truesight should of been 4 seconds. It doesnt have that much of a competitive advantage tbh. Otherwise this nerf does not affect PvE whatsoever.
Armor 2.0 can't run sniper scavenger and shotgun scavenger at the same time. Truesight has been nerfed into the ground. My favorite PvP build has officially died.
Hunter + oathkeeper + wishender= infinite truesight on any subclass.
flawless execution doesn’t even work properly on retribution at the moment. you’ll sometimes go invisible but it won’t show any enemies or if you use the super it won’t show any enemies.
9 seconds was too long but 3 is too short,in my opinion it should be 5-6
Strange in a game of movement that they want you to stand still and crouch, then try to get a kill. Its almost against the meta !?
I'd say rework it to be based on the percent of precision damage dealt by you in a kill, maybe take the crouch requirement out. And have OHK weapons not be the same as 100% headshots on a primary. IDK, taking 2 thirds off the truesight was a bit much.
As a hunter main and it’s fine. If you want a longer true sight just use the helmet.
I feel like five seconds would have been a good middle ground to keep it viable.
Guess you are forced to boost it through the exotic helm graviton forfeit. Im with you that 3 seconds of benefit is too short to pull off a crouching headshot. Give it 5 maybe. I honestly liked using this to skip enemies in pve.
As someone who mained a titan, i swapped to a hunter just for truesight as that is op as all hell and played right into my play style and personally id say its more toxic than one eyed so it definitely needed a good toning
They nerf Wormhusk. Give Titan's one eyed mask. They nerf Wraith and buff bottom tree arc Titan in all the capacities Hunters were nerfed.