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Destiny 2

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2/4/2020 7:53:25 PM

Retail VS. Bungie Comparison

So in a small business. If a customer asks you for an item you don't have, you would then order it for them if you could. In Destiny 2 if your community (your entire customer base) asks you for something (Factions) you do nothing? I don't understand. But I do know that in small business if my response to a customer is ever "Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll let (blank) know" that essentially means yeah we dont have that and we aren't getting it. So when bungus (rather than saying yeah we'll get that in for you or we're currently working on it) says. "Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll let (blank) know." I have to assume that means "too bad so sad, we're not bringing back factions."

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