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Destiny 2

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2/29/2020 2:29:49 AM

What's That? Doctrine of Passing is Coming Back? Guardians, I'm Having Doubts About That and Here's Why...

Yes, the Doctrine of Passing, the famous bullet-hose from Destiny 1. Many of you believe based on what you saw in the teaser that you saw a glimpse of the fabled gun on one of the Guardians. It is a well-known gun from Destiny 1, so the rumor that it's coming back isn't surprising at all. But I don't know if that's actually the gun. Do remember that Doctrine of Passing wasn't the only Trials auto rifle back in the day. There were two others. Vision Stone and The Summoner. The two auto rifles everyone should look at (maybe use Google Images or something) is Doctrine of Passing and The Summoner. Look at the Adept versions of both as well. If you look at Doctrine and Summoner's normal-variant gun models, they use the same model with a slight difference in the texture and different scopes. And if you look at the Adept versions, they both have the same differences compared to the original versions but Doctrine's texture is swapped around more. Now think about auto rifles in Destiny 2 for a second. There is no bullet-hose auto rifle like in Destiny 1, but there is one type that fires like The Summoner and that is Precision Frames. If they wanted to preserve the Destiny 1 feel of the weapon, would it not be easier for them to just bring back The Summoner instead? And before you say you saw a texture on the gun that looks more like Doctrine, the Trials of Osiris weapons coming out clearly have a more unique theme to them compared to Destiny 1's weapons. Anyone see that fusion rifle with the yellow light on it? I don't remember a fusion rifle like that in Destiny 1. Basically, what you saw could be the Doctrine of Passing OR it could be The Summoner. OR it could be neither of them at all. Don't overhype it. You might let yourself down.

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