The results to this poll are like dumb game ads and which parent had the better playthrough. Why the h is mom the gamer? Moms hate gaming! Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
Depends on who offers the most money.
Modifié par man_of_war_r2 : 3/23/2020 6:12:06 PMWhy you gotta be like that? Edit: I think my dad would kill me if I saved him so I go mom
Modifié par The Chosen One : 3/24/2020 4:38:43 AMDepends on the circumstances
Uh cancer already did my dad in so this is an easy one.
Modifié par Fate : 3/24/2020 2:29:24 AMOption c Keeps on walking by and Walks away
My mom treats me like absolute sh[u][/u]it
Depends. Does your Mom look hawt in yoga pants or does your Dad look better in yoga pants?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Both said they wish I was never born so I think I'll keep walking. I might call 911.
Definitely my mom. Not for lack of love for my Dad, I'm probably more of a "daddy's boy" than the other. But I believe it would be the right thing to save my mother first, and beyond that I know my Dad would want me to do the same.
My dad died exactly one year ago today.
I haven’t spoken to my dad in years.
Is it possible to sacrifice myself to save both? If possible I’d chose that.
I don’t know. I guess my dad.
My dad is already dead... so I'd save my mom, obviously.
I love my dad but I loved my mom more
Dad, he can teach me how to make a steak I really wanna say a joke for the mom but I dont plan on getting banned
........ I ain't gonna vote
My cat.
Do I have to save any of them?