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Destiny 2

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4/6/2020 10:32:34 PM

More armor shader features would be awesome.

>Putting shaders on exotic weapons >being able to cycle the order the shader colors are in so 1 shader=4 ways it can look on your gear >disabling colors you dislike on the shader from the 4 colors you can disable the ones you dislike in which case the default armor color will take over >favouriting colors, a favourite color can be applied to any shader anywhere you could even make a shader that only that one color Shaders are made up of 4 color segments that represents the order the colors will show up and I'd like more options so we can have more control over how are guardians look, I'd personally like to be able to take existing colors that I have unlocked and put them on my armor exactly where I want them but I don't want to get rid of the system we already have as it add value so I thought along time to find away to keep what we have and add to it, I belive what I have listed not only retains the current value of this system but adds to it.

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