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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Ghostfire239 : 4/19/2020 2:12:23 AM

Add Strike Specific Armour SETS

D2 has taken a giant step back in terms Strike specific loot. Isn’t a sequel supposed to build on things the previous game got right? Every Strike should have a full armour sets based on the boss/theme of that Strike and one weapon. Not one piece of Armour like in D1. D2 supposed to improve on things D1 got right not just get back on par with it. MAYBE even add a set bonus that help you out a bit when wearing the full armour set of the of the strike you’re currently in. This doesn’t have to happen all at once. With each season add two or three Strike specific armour sets. Take some time away from the constant attention you’re giving EVERVERSE, and use it to give players something to chase. It would be nice to see armour sets based on Hashladûn, Brakion, the Brood Queen...etc. It would definitely provide a bit more incentive to actually run those Strikes. TLDR: -Make full Strike armour sets for all strikes in the game. -Every Strike should also have one weapon specific to it. -Maybe give them set bonus that help you in their respective strikes.

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