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Destiny 2

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Modifié par WestPKoast : 6/10/2020 4:51:09 AM

Sprinting on controller has a serious issue.

Bungie has implemented a function where clicking the sprint button while already sprinting now cancels the sprint. Whether or not this is a glitch or on purpose is beyond me. If I were to double click my sprint button while moving, it would result in walking. Clicking the button an odd number of times results in sprinting, but nobody wants to count how many times they click their sprint button (if you do, then my apologies, I didn't know people like you existed). When I find myself spamming the sprint button in tense situations in both PvE and PvP, my movement is scuffed. I don't want to have to think carefully about my button inputs - I want to think carefully about my gameplay, but now I am often distracted my my sprint button. Previously, sprinting would persist no matter how many times you spammed the sprint button, which is usually how it works in many games, such as COD or Apex Legends, etc. I am both surprised and confused as to why Bungie has decided to change that. It simply seems clunky and unnecessary. Currently, I have found no solution to this issue in the new button mapping options that Bungie has supplied to us. Please upvote this if you agree so that this can reach the eyes and ears of the developers of Bungie.

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