I'm so confused anymore, I legitimately can't enjoy Crucible anymore and as a Extremely Dedicated and experienced PvP player this is terribly Saddening I can't enjoy this game anymore even after taking very long breaks. What can I do as a High Mid to High Tier PvP player to enjoy myself?
I don't know if it's the boring auto Meta or what but I just can't play this game's PvP anymore.
Like I said this is so saddening to me because I pushed extremely hard when Trials of Osiris Came out to be a better player, and I did become a Way better player overall I went from mid 50% tier to top 5% to even higher on some weekends in Trials, I even had better percentages in Regular Quickplay and Comp, I went as far as to get KovaaKs and play up to 2 hours everyday just to be a better player, but what now?
As I said before I've taken some long breaks from this game and I still find myself Sad after just one game, I've also noticed my motivation to play just one Crucible match has become very low.
Any feedback Is Very Appreciated, I would love to know if any other High tier PvP players are feeling this same way or even just normal players.
I want to love to play PvP again, because Destiny is my favorite game and it means a lot to me.
Again Thanks
Modifié par Sweet Lew 88 : 9/12/2020 12:42:10 AMI can offer you some PvP tips. If you like pvp that much you should do as much as you can to improve. I'm mostly a solo player and don't notice much of a difference from cbmm and sbmm.