Give it heavily increased tracking, and make it so that it regenerates ammo over time. Also enemies killed by the projectile creates a huge damaging explosion, kinda like the effect that Sunshot has.
This gun gets so much hate and yet I never see anyone using it lol
Nah. You're reaching too far. Just give it Full Court and you'll get the same amount of complaints.
I like how everyone’s replies are so ignorant to the fact this is a joke lmao. Get a life, all of you.
And if you get five kills in a row, 2 pieces of bread popup from the top.
There's definitely some fun things a catalyst could add to PvE, perhaps a slightly increased blast radius or projectile speed. Even something simple like deep pockets or auto loading holster. Given the gun's status as the PvP bogeyman, however; I doubt it'll get any meaningful upgrades.
Yes have it blow up in your hands killing you in the process
look at this dude complaining because even tho jotunn is such a crutch gun he still can’t get a kill with it. get good
What in the holy heckers did I just read
Geez. Do you want fries with that? 😂
I want what you are on
I think another perk should be when you kill someone on the enemy team the entire enemy team also dies.
That actually would be hilarious! One of the most hated guns in pvp. Bungie won't touch would cause a riot if they did 😂
Kills user when fired
They should give it outlaw
Ight new catalyst +400 ammo to the magazine and now has Truth level tracking. Enemies who died to Jotun will now turn into another JotunBall jutsu and find the nearest enemy to destroy.
This has to be satire. If not....🥴
Nah catalyst should cut charge rate in half hahaha
Give Le Monarque an ornament.
Lol, annoying no skill weapon, tracking should be removed
Modifié par Doctor_Roidberg : 10/20/2020 11:04:07 AMGive it Pocket Infinity’s full auto Cowards
Give it Wolfpack rounds
Modifié par Demon_XXVII : 10/22/2020 4:07:30 PMWolfpack Rounds Triple Shell Track/Scan/Multiple Acquisition Targeting Shield Penetrating Twin Charge Ordnance Reversal of Fortune & Faster Charge Time Toasted (A chance of full super charged on a random kill) 😆👍
Also add Wolfpack Rounds.