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Destiny 2

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10/19/2020 7:02:26 PM

Can we please bring factions back?

I remember from a twab or blog post a while back that mentioned the reason factions weren't coming back at the moment was because the list of characters/vendors had become too long, and was potentially too much for new lights to handle. Well, with the DCV, we will be losing [b][i][u]8[/u][/i][/b] vendors. So surely we have the room to bring back the 3 faction vendors, right? And I'm not talking about rallies or other events. I'm talking Destiny 1 style faction vendors. They have a set of rotating bounties/tasks that allow us to rank up and earn faction gear. They could even add some avenues for plot development through seasonal quests that tie in thematically. And moving faction gear back to its respective loot pool would be better than having it randomly drop from the world loot pool. Just a thought.

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  • I feel that at this point in the plot, factions aren't ready to come back. It seems we are on the brink of a second collapse (or some version of it) and the Last City is scared and kind of scattered. I don't think it would make sense for Factions leaders to rally behind Guardians as vendors and allies when they potentially failed to protect the solar system and are now using the Darkness. However, you are right. We are loosing several vendors (although gaining potentially a few on Europa), it would be nice to have some new ones at the tower. I think this is something that could be implemented later in Year 4 or in Year 5. Factions could rally back together (or new Factions could form that believe in the Darkness) and could attempt to assist Guardians by providing bounties, armor, and weapons. In the end, I think factions need to wait...but they could be implemented in an interesting way down the line.

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