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Modifié par Nightmare Tune : 10/31/2020 12:48:17 PM

Blaze’s Bar: Halloween edition!

When you enter the bar today, it’s completely changed! The entire floor has been shifted into some form of grass, the chairs look like mini graves, and the tables look like they’re part of a tree! Then on the ceiling, it looks like a night sky, with all the lightbulbs being replaced with stars and a moon! Then behind the tree bark bar, Blaze and Fox are in full costume! Blaze wearing a white undershirt and black shirt with a red, flowing coat and red tie, along with pitch black shoes and pants, ending with a wide brimmed red hat, glasses that don’t mask his red eyes but shine red, and white gloves with his symbol of lightning striking fire. [spoiler] (Effectively, he looks like Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate [url=]here[/url])[/spoiler] Then there was Fox! She had her black hair flowing down and around her, while wearing a black dress. She was also wearing white gloves, though without a symbol on them, and is petting a raven on her shoulder, a necklace of a raven holding a ruby in its beak, and a crown showing off ravens in flight. Happy Halloween everyone!

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