That’s right, I’m back!
.....hopefully this time I’ll win!
Vote for me!
Bumps: 5/5! I’m in! (Only counting comments that specifically say ‘Bump’ in them.)
Edit: Right, promises!
First my VP will be elected through a fight to the death styled like Family Feud.
Second, vamp rights!
I’ll think of more and add them!
Reported for politics violation
Bump. [spoiler]Hecking Spitfires[/spoiler]
Modifié par Unseelie Nil : 11/15/2020 5:43:35 AM[quote]First my VP will be elected through a fight to the death styled like Family Feud. Second, vamp rights![/quote] Still great, but I'm needed elsewhere!
[quote] First my VP will be elected through a fight to the death styled like Family Feud.[/quote] How exactly will this work? Whoever scored lowest gets dropped in [i][b]THE PIT?[/b][/i]
Go get ‘em, kiddo
YESSIR! [spoiler]unless someone else I like goes for president [/spoiler]