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Destiny 2

Discutez de tout ce qui concerne Destiny 2.
11/16/2020 11:32:45 PM

Refunds or Reinstatement of Core Gameplay

So where do I go to get my money back for the 50 gigs of game that was removed? You can't sell me a product then remove half the product whenever you feel like it. At the time of purchase there was no disclaimer I had to agree to saying "by the way we may remove half the game at some arbitrary unknown point in time." Had we had this knowledge prior to our purchase then by all means its all good, but we didn't so it's not all good. Say I buy a car, you can't come back in a couple years and take my doors, mirrors, and headlights without first having me agree to that condition before the purchase. It would be like buying Super Mario 64 and then Nintendo shows up a little while later, breaks into my house, and removes half the levels from my cartridge. This is somewhere between fraud and theft. Yes Destiny is Bungie's intellectual property, and they can tell whatever story they want. However, Bungie sold a particular game with explicit features and a substantial amount of that game is no longer accessible. Either refunds should be offered, or the game should be put back to a playable state.

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