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Destiny 2

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11/23/2020 8:08:14 PM

Bungie, please buff the Stormcaller bottom tree perk called Landfall

FYI: This is a PVP oriented post. Intro: What's Landfall? Stormcaller Attunement of Elements Stormtrance super is designed to be a shock and awe surprise attack super. It is a slow-moving super with no mobility perks (Ionic Blink is on top tree), short range lightning with limited chaining (compared to top tree for instance) which requires direct line of sight, average duration with no built-in duration perks, and one big opening attack called Landfall which upon casting Stormtrance fires a bolt of lightning beneath you to create a "devastating" shockwave. I can assure you that "devastating" is not the word I would use here as even in PVE it can only be used for trash ads at very short range. Main issue: Landfall deals relatively low damage at extremely low range given it is a one and done ability. Landfall has an effective range of 3 meters within which it will kill normal guardians. Landfall cannot kill supers that have damage resistance (sorry, Golden Gun). Beyond 3 meters, the damage falloff is very steep being unable to even kill normal guardians, let alone supers, starting at 3.1 meters. Additionally, the casting animation is extremely long compared to other supers which leaves it vulnerable despite getting a surprise attack on enemies. This vulnerability is especially true versus enemy melee supers such as Spectral Blades or various titan supers as the attack range of these melee supers is longer than that of the Stormtrance lightning, and the light attacks will OHKO the Stormtrance super. Additionally, given the short range of the Landfall, a shotgun-melee will kill a Stormtrance for the low, low cost of standing 3.1 meters away from the Landfall bolt for an easy full damage shotgun blast into a melee hit, and that's assuming a shotgun doesn't straight OHKO the warlock before the cast activates fully - this is absurd, plain an simple. Suggestions: Buff the damage, range, and cast speed. In light of Cloudstrike's current ability to kill guardians within what appears to be 5-6 meters at sniper distances (as well as the introduction of Stasis in general), then it is even more critical that Landfall, a one and done super perk, receives a buff to remain relevant. My personal preference would be three changes: 1. Landfall kills any normal guardian within 6 meters. - 6 meters to roughly match melees as it is a one and done super ability. This will give it more viability versus shotgun melees. 2. Landfall kills any super within 3 meters (which is basically a direct hit) -This requires high precision, and extremely close range in normal state versus a super. Thus the risk is still exceedingly high, so if you pull it off on a super you 100% deserve it. 3. Landfall cast animation sped up by about 50% - This is to account for it's lack of movement speed and evasive options. It's easy to outrun currently as well as easy to shutdown. In conclusion, Landfall needs a buff to keep up with the current sandbox. Super speed abilities, evasive abilities, shotgun/melees, enemy melee super speed and range, Stasis, etc. are all easily rendering Landfall (if not the entire super & subclass) a useless perk - even in PVE the range and damage is low. Please consider reviewing & buffing Landfall so that it has decent use in the game beyond looking awesome (because it does look & sound amazing). I'm not asking for any other buffs to the super or the class. I just want this one perk to work like it should, and it should be truly "devastating." tl;dr - Landfall damage and range is so low that virtually everything including shotguns can out-range and out-damage it. Buff the damage, range, and cast speed.

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