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Destiny 2

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11/26/2020 7:30:11 PM

Augmented Triumph Annoyance

So I just discovered that the Augmented Triumph for getting the Splintered seal is gated to once per week. I just messed up and now I can't purchase another from Variks and missed out on a second week. I didn't know what to do the first week because it was hyper vague. The Augmentation Buff is for Nexus, and I went to the Well of Infinitude thinking it was the same area. It was functionally the same, and the buff worked in the Well of Infinitude too. This is causing a fear of missing out, and it's giving me anxiety. There are 10 weeks left to get the title, there are 8 total respective augments for this particular triumph. I don't have excess amount of time to funnel into the game as I used to. Why is it time gated? Why does it work outside of it's designated zone? Why can I not repurchase the consumable if I make a mistake? Why does Bungie continue to make these time stupid delays but then also give a deadline to earn titles for content that'll be around for the next respective year considering it's a paid for DLC?

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