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Destiny 2

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11/28/2020 9:45:10 AM

Exotic Class item ideas..

I know this is banging an old drum still, but hear us out.. Older Destiny players will recognise this as a concept, but the factions are still important to the lore and do have areas in the tower dedicated to them. An idea that probably will just keep us a bit quieter then the "bring back faction wars!" messages, but be a good gauge of how interested the community is in the factions when it comes to engagement.. Maybe the return of the Exotic Class item? Exotic perk: Doing activities with the class item equip will provide reputation points for your clan and after a number points have been earnt a legendary drop is available from the vendor: FWC, Dead Orbit, New Monarchy. (Maybe the more faction armour pieces worn with the class item the more points, similar to how the progress way tracked for Calus themed armour aboard the Leviathan?) Vendors; I know that the voice lines from the Faction vendors are gone since the BL update. Not sure if this is intentional or not.. (Licencing etc. no idea) But if not a possibility to visit the vendors maybe a Faction Engram that turns up in the post master? Just thinking of easy ways to implement this. Maybe the same as Destiny 1 where we can donate to vendors to top up the vendors to push over to next rank and get an Engram. (Please be a 58+ piece of armour or good chance of it or a weapon rather then something players will just blindly shard) Rewards; Already in the game.. Faction Armour and weapons which are actually highly regarded within the game, looking at you Dire Promise.. Maybe an Emblem and a Tracker of the Rank? I'm not saying we NEED a Factions Wars event, that might be lost on many of the newer players, just something to give a nod to the factions and their place in the tower. Many players probably have no idea what the factions are and something like this will at least let people know they are there. Any more ideas from anyone reading?

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