I saw a rant post about Arbalest that reminded me of something that bother's me. Queenbreaker's Bow was added back ages ago and despite being my favorite HoW gun from D1 and favorite linear fusion in general, it's kinda bad now. It's being held back by the fact that it's a heavy, in D1 it shined because it was a special.
You even brought back Lord of Wolves and that was left in the energy slot, so why was Queenbreaker's targeted? Even after adding in arbalest in the [b]KINECTIC[/b] slot. You gave us the Queenbreaker's, but kept the bow part. I say put it in the energy slot, and put "Bow" back in the name. I'll take 2 shots over not seeing anyone use this amazing weapon.
[spoiler]Or at least give us back no land beyond[/spoiler]
I agree it’s so useless as a heavy it’s not even funny and even then it’s a bad Exotic overall and it definitely doesn’t warrant being in the heavy slot
Move sidearms into the heavy slot along with sparrows. That’ll really shake things up.
I loved this gun in D1. If they were to put it in the secondary slot, they would have to reduce the damage. I still wish it was an energy weapon though.
Or at least give it more ammo, something to make it more usable, because it pretty obviously doesnt belong in the heavy slot
Modifié par SirHeadPoppington : 12/16/2020 1:58:52 AMAll linear fusions should be except sleeper simulant
I'd prefer leaving it as heavy and giving it a damage or ammo reserves/mag size buff.
Honestly no. It would make the crucible a worse experience
Gambit got queenbreaker buried unfortunately way back in forsaken .. Along with sleeper simulant 💔
Who uses Queensbreaker? ✋ Anyone?
Honestly id rather all linear fusions be turned into special weapons.
We’re listening [spoiler]We have to disable it for 6 months to make this decision.[/spoiler]
Id be fine with it as long as it gets a aim assist nerf, however (if it stays a heavy I think it should get it’s AA slightly un-nerfed, pointing it in someone’s general direction was its only redeeming quality).
Arbalest is spammed enough in the Crucible, we don't need ANOTHER LFR getting spammed like bat-Blam!- crazy
No Land Beyond was such a rad gun!
*laughs in Borealis*
I only want it to stay a heavy because I don't want Arbalest V2.
Petition to put arblest in the heavy slot and leave it there like the rest
I have to agree. However Bungie probably thinks it’s too powerful for pve builds. May be increase the charge rate and reduce the reload rate so that it matches the arbalest and can’t be used to melt raid bosses?
-blam!- No. Most dont remember the days in D1 with the 900 aim assist special linear fusion rifles that had near infinite ammo. Screw that.
If arbalest is known for being a kinetic linear fusion, queenbreaker can be known as the energy slot linear fusion rifle.
I feel like it either is a Primary or Heavy. I dunno, it just feels weird to me to have a bolt launcher as something other then your workhorse or heavy. But it still needs a buff. I say keep it in heavy along with all Linears minus Arbys, but give it a nice buff that makes it powerful but only so if your good with aim. Make them the good skill = reward type of gun
Honestly all linears should be moved to the special slot. Have their damage nerfed to that of a aggressive frame sniper. Reduce arbalest aim assist and magnetism.
Last thing we need is another no skill cheese exotic running around
Arbalest was put in the kinetic slot because that’s essentially its exotic bonus (its exotic perk became useless when champions came out with no sheilds) Its im the same situation as No Land Beyond in D1
But the point of no land was that it's in the kinetic slot. What purpose would it have when a third of all snipers in the game already are in the kinetic slot? It'd be less like an exotic and more like a legendary weapon.
remove the flash effect then ok