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Modifié par Keria : 12/21/2020 1:46:43 PM

Finis(Story, Part 2 of Vastatio)

Speaker arrived in the Reef, how he did was uncertain, a gift from the deep perhaps; but he did not question his god. Stalking carefully through the strange land he held under his cloak a newly born Razor. Another gift; a taste of what would come, silently he stalked- searching for his target, the werewolf known as Chiara Deidra… As he arrived in the underwater landscape, coral formations started to turn black all around him, a sign of the landscape's knowledge of the Deep's corruption. There is a tall, dark tower in the distance. Speaker felt the will of his master urging him forward, there he would find his power… He moved swiftly and with purpose, carefully avoiding the attention of any would be onlookers, walking along the underwater mountains, hiding from several passing by Telkhine patrols, and a passing over Leviathan. 'Perhaps this will be my new throne when my work is done, so much to appropriate' He eventually arrived at the javelin like tower, and now he could see the sides were shifting blocks of dark metal, rippling in arcane patterns. The tower sat in the middle of a large crater like depression, and a bridge went across the gap. Speaker summoned the Deep with his mind and his fingers became like steel hooks, he carefully climbed like a spider beneath the bridge. As he went under the bridge, the sound of pounding hooves went over him, and the laughter of a girl. "Come on Nemes!" More pounding hooves went over the bridge, as two large Kelpies and their riders went across the bridge. Arriving at the end of the bridge, he is faced with the side of the tower, there is a gap between the tower and the bridge's end. With the enhanced gift of the deep he leaps the gap, and is confronted by the tower, his steel fingers fade back to flesh. The blocks start rippling faster, almost like a wave pool trying to throw the intruder off. He remembers seeing the blocks sort of rearrange themselves after the two riders left the Tower. Using the will of the deep, he hovers carefully above this finely tuned machine of unknown power 'Yes, I will take this all. As he hovered some distance away from the side of the angular tower, a woman in a white tank top with eyes glowing with starfire lounged on a block floating away from the tower, "How are we today Speaker?"' "So you were expecting me?" "Nope. I only know who you are because the Boss told me to watch for specific people, you among them." She leaps from the block she was lounging on, and tries to kick Speaker out of the air. Being the Hand of a Grey Lady, and not the Grey Lady, she is rather unskilled, and doesn't know she's overmatched. Taking the kick squarely in the chest he staggers back and regains his feet, He feels the Deep's disregard for this individual. "Your master is wise, Young one, but you must know I will not be denied an audience with her, stand aside and you will not be harmed." "The Boss is out, and you happen to be trespassing." She tries to roundhouse Speaker standing on another floating block, unaware she's brought her left temple right to where Speaker could give her a nasty headache. Catching the round house with his hand, the Deep empowers his grip, "How troublesome." he squeezes to crush her leg. She shouts, and her limbs explode into starfire, as she fires twin beams at Speaker. He bashes the young guardian's head with the butt of his blade, to cast her down into the crater. "Child, you were warned, my master has tasked me with a more important errand.” She gasps, and falls off of her block unconscious, plummeting into the crater. "Pity." Speaker begins his ascent up the tower. He reaches a balcony, and spots a tall figure in the kitchen inside. Stalking quietly he approaches, raising his blade to strike. She laughs, "I may be a former heroin addict but my hearing isn't shot Speaker." She whips around, and throws a pan-full of scalding hot water at Speaker, the pan following soon after as she extends her claws, and stands waiting. She steps back growling , not as fast as she used to be able to though, and tries to slash at him with her claws. Speaker dodges deftly, feeling the wind from her claws, and deflecting the swipes he cannot. He aims a backwards kick to her chin. She gets knocked back, and slams her head on the fridge, as she flops onto the ground. She wipes her nose, bleeding profusely, and grins. "So what was it? The infection?" "Your corruption was but one offense, but the Deep has willed you unfit to possess it, your death is preordained." He steps closer and raises the blade, preparing to plunge it into her chest "The Deep took it from me you -blam!-.", she says, her voice raspy. "Why kill me now?" "It is not for the servant to know the reasons of the Master, but all will be revealed to me with your demise" On the edge of glory, Speaker savours the final moments of his mortality, and with one thrust plunges the blade deep into her heart. She winces, as her head falls back, and Speaker starts to feel something......weird....happen to him. "It is done my lord." The corruption worms within him and his eyes burn again with dark fire, the pain is exquisite and he feels his physical form melting once again, black veins of furious black, crack his flesh and dark smoke wreathes him again… He starts to ascend once again, but he has a slight....Hallow...inside. The feeling seems different from the usual feel of the Deep. Drawing the Hallow like poison from a wound, he clutches its white fire in his hand, "And is this your will as well my Master?" It burns, not like fire, but like [i][b]Oblivion[/b][/i]. The pain feeds his sorrow, and the will of the Deep extinguishes its light. He stretches his neck in his new form and then rips reality with a clawed hand. Passing through he sealed it behind him, off to thank his god.

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