I am currently working on the "Memory of Eriana-3" quest that Eris gives out. I am on the first step of the quest, which says "Search beneath the surface of the Moon to reclaim treasure from Hive Lunar Scavengers or Fallen Lunar Scavengers". I have searched all over the moon, looking for the scavengers and haven't found any. I have looked up guides on where the scavengers spawn, and I have visited each spot and still haven't found any. I am starting to wonder if there is a bug that is making it so that they don't spawn.
Had problems this week myself. Did you try the catacombs, because that's where I found them myself thus week. Go as deep as you can go before you are blocked and eventually they just all leap out if the dark at you.
Modifié par PhilLB1239 : 1/24/2021 4:11:41 AMCompleted the quest two weeks ago, they do spawn on the moon.