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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
2/20/2021 10:03:10 PM

[PC] The Noob Community is Recruiting! | 5 Clans | 600+ Discord Members | LFG Channel | Raid Sherpas | PvP/PvE Guides | Community Game Nights | Giveaways | Level 3 Nitro Boosted Server |

Hey-o, Thank you for your interest in the 870 Noobz. We are a community of laid back gamers. The clan originated from 870 because that is the area code in which most of us live in. Now, that doesn't mean we don't have a wide variety of gamers from around the world. We welcome ALL! If it comes to raiding; we have Sherpas. If it comes to strikes, bounties, crucible, special exotic quests, dungeons, or all of the above; we have you covered! With our knowledge of every event, our respective guides in 870 Noobz will help you along the way. If you are interested we encourage you to come and hang out! Join the Discord of 600+ members. We hope to see you around! [b]Discord[/b] [b]Clan #1[/b] [b]Clan #2[/b] [b]Clan #3[/b] [b]Clan #4[/b] [b]EU Clan[/b]

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