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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
3/1/2021 7:05:41 AM

HUNT with us... Sicari XB Clan RECRUIT

WELCOME! I’m looking for the gamers that play through the hardships of Destiny just like I do. And this is as honest as I can be— I’ve always wanted a clan with family-like connections and familiarity. I want a clan with open communication. Nontoxic. Fun-loving, who understands the grind. And patience. I can’t express that enough. Patience patience patience. I want members who are willing to be patient when the lights go out sometimes. I’m looking for PVP players and PVE players. I think now is the time to find the clan that can accommodate you but also that you can accommodate. Hmu. Let me know who you are and what you want in a clan! I’ll be waiting!

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