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Destiny 2

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3/5/2021 3:11:57 AM

Bungie, can we get a real mod rotation out of Banshee?

Bungie, I am sure you have had people complain about this in the past, but with all the updates coming out, I don't see why this hasn't been a topic of discussion for change and/or updating. I am fine with the current mod system and how it's implemented, but as far as getting mods or waiting for them to be sold from Banshee-44, it is getting to be a real waste of time. When are you going to make the normal mods (i.e. Ammo Finder, Weapon Reload Speed) drop from turning in weapon parts to Banshee at a higher rate of dropping and putting the Combat Style mods on a set rotation to be sold by Banshee. It make no sense and infuriates many players when your RNG that is set up right now sells the same thing multiple days in a row. If you aren't going to update/change the selling system for mods, why not? No one likes it and you do, after all, want people to like your game, right? Or am I wrong?

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