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5/4/2021 12:07:18 AM

(XB) Parent/Teen/Family Friendly Clan Seeking Active Players

Geek On, Guardians was established with the intent to create a relaxed and safe gaming environment for families who game together. Our primary focus is providing a gaming community for parents and their teens to come together and have fun. At the moment, we can only support those on the Xbox with the Geek On, Guardians clan. We aim to provide a place for players of all skill levels and gaming experience in which players can play a variety of games together in a stress free, family friendly environment. Do you have to be a parent, no. However, you have to be mindful that you may be in-game with teens and their parents. Patience will be key as will being kind and treating everyone with respect. We are very Xbox-centric and are US/East Coast based so our gaming times are limited to weeknights and weekends in that timezone. Feel from to send me a PM, hit me up on Twitter (LocutusOf_Teddy) or send a message on Xbox (GT: LocutusOfTeddy). Check out our #Destiny2 clan!

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