I’ve seen a ton of speculation revolving around “Osiris” in the new scene, with many believing it was actually Savathun in disguise and that something has happened to the original Osiris. Can someone explain this theory? Has this been hinted at previously or is it pure speculation?
Never liked him, he disrespected his only fan, bro vance After that o man became a non entity
Modifié par O_G_HELLBOY : 8/11/2021 2:30:55 AMOsiris is Savathun. That's why we've been seeing blights in the Tower. The real Osiris hasn't been seen since his ghost "died".
Modifié par Seraph : 8/13/2021 7:06:16 PMI [i][b]think[/b][/i] it was mentioned in one of the Lore Cards that Savathun has been walking around the Tower, disguised as 'someone' of consequence. The top candidates for who that person was were 1. Osiris 2. Lakshmi-2. The Lore Card also states that every now and again, Savathun needs to throw up some mysterious black goo that's choking her. Since we aren't really sure if Exo's throw up, Osiris ended up being suspect number 1 for Savathun's true identity. And now that Lakshmi-2 is dead, and Osiris acted sus during the invasion of the Eliksni quarter, that theory has been proven to be 100 correct. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/vii-ripe
I gotcha. Theory goes one of two ways: beginning in season of the hunt we find Osiris on the moon. He has been on this expedition in the ascendant realm where Seguira was supposedly killed. One theory goes that Savathun straight up murdered Osiris and replaced him, which would be the Osiris we "rescued" on the moon. The other theory is that he's not dead and is being held prisoner in the ascendant realm. In this scenario, he's still replaced by Savathun in that moon mission to begin Season of the Hunt. Evidence for this theory includes some shady stuff he's said, his reluctance to let us kill Quria and instead wanting us to capture it, his fascination with the Crown of Sorrow on the Glycon and insistence on bringing it to the last city, and of course there at the end when he is super shady in the epilogue. This is all also backed up by a lore card from Savathun's apparent perspective where she's freely walking through the city in a flesh body that is beginning to be rejected by her hive form (coughing up black mucus and whatnot). I think at this point it's a pretty safe bet that the theories are true.
I'm starting to wonder if it's Osiris that gives us the "Why is the city breathing down my neck" Crow line from E3 2013
It’s been leaked so read if you want [spoiler]we haven’t seen the real Osiris since before season of the chosen, when we first saw him when doing the high celebrant mission ages ago he had actually been captured by savathun and replaced with a fake copy that she controls and she’s been using him to spy on us right in the city itself and cause trouble, next season this will be a big part so just wait two weeks and see lol[/spoiler]
This was based on leaks