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Recrutement des clans

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8/24/2021 1:18:55 PM

CANT JUMP RIGHT is Looking for End Game Guardians [18+][XBOX][US]

[u][b]Who we are[/b][/u] We are a Clan for adults who like to play video games for fun. We are NOT elitists, we are fathers, mothers, students, and working adults who like to play video games to escape the stresses of life. Our clan has been active since D1 and we are excited for the future of Destiny. We do NOT tolerate bad mouthing other Clan members, disrespectful behavior, or rage quitting. [u][b]What we do[/b][/u] We love to Raid, play Comp, participate in events, do end-game activities like Grand Master NF, and are looking for other laid back adults who will be active in our Destiny community. We accept all skill levels as long as you are respectful and ACTIVE WITH THE CLAN when playing Destiny. [u][b]How we communicate and schedule events[/b][/u] We use Discord to schedule Raids, LFG, and chat with each other. We require that when you are active in Destiny you are actively participating with our Clan and participating on Discord when possible. So if you’re looking for a laid back group of adults who like to play Destiny then give us a shot. Use the link below to request and an admin will contact you back.

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