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Modifié par SlumberinOsiris : 9/8/2021 6:22:40 AM

Just Some Losers [JSL] Looking for New/Active Members

Hello fellow Guardians, We've been around for a while, but are now beginning to expand due to some inactivity from previous members that have since stopped playing Destiny (I know, right?) Anyway, we're looking to fill up those free slots with people who are active and willing to participate in certain in game activities to help each other out. It isn't easy being a Guardian, especially with Savathûn making her way downtown and walking fast, but together we can make the journey just a bit easier for each other. We accept anyone as long as everyone can remain respectful, regardless of platform or any other reason. We are mostly based in the US, but we welcome anyone to join. We're just a bunch of losers and if you were honest with yourself, you'd join too. See you in the field, Guardian! -The Biggest Loser, Lucifer

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