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9/12/2021 4:27:34 PM

Sprint Overrides Aim-Down-Sights

I can't be the only one who has ever been in a heated match, aiming down sights, moving around to stay alive, then accidentally put too much pressure on the joystick and had sprint override my zoom function. Has this happened to anyone else? Can it be fixed? I feel like Bungie should add in a function to choose whether it cancels out ADS or not. I've played several games that give the option, but this has literally lost me matches before. Is it just me? And is there a fix for it?

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  • I’ve been having this issue since I started playing again in 2020. I set my sprint to Double Tap a year or so ago and it just started happening again in the last three months. “Stop pressing your stick so hard, then.” Has always been the typical answer. But the thing is, when I first switched to double tap, I ran around for a little bit intentionally spam clicking LS while ADS’d and it NEVER canceled. And I’ve also never noticed it canceling during strikes or PvE. Yet lately in PvP, I can be strolling up behind someone and the second I ADS them, it cancels and launches me at them in a sprint. Outside of aiming, I usually have to double-double tap just to activate sprint outside of combat. It’s seemingly random, but it doesn’t seem like something as simple as “stop pressing your sticks so hard, then.” The cynical side of me feels like this is a more common issue than it seems, but the try-hards in the community play it down to a thumb issue because it’s pretty much a guaranteed kill when you’ve got a player running at you that’s stuck sprinting for a second, lol.

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  • Sprint can be bound to a different button combination using a Custom Button Layout.

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    • You can't ADS while sprinting, by design.

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