I was running a task manager replacement so I didn't have to manually change cpu affinity everytime I played destiny and Bungie considers this cheat software, which it isn't. They never sent me a notice so it could be another reason but this is the most likely one. I'm not great at pvp nor do I cheat in any multiplayer game. I have about 3,000 hours total and really don't want to start over for something I didn't do, not to mention buying every DLC that's ever come out.
I'm not asking to be unbanned here as I know nothing can be done here.
How long should it take to get a response, even if it's a negative response?
Modifié par Greyshirk : 8/25/2022 7:35:42 PMWell -blam!- , now I know how I got banned. So much for all the time I put into Destiny 2...
Bungie typically only responds if more information is needed or if your appeal resulted in an overturn. That said, if you have not heard anything after a few business days, it is safe to assume your appeal was declined.
Unsupported 3rd party software for cpu affinity? Not sure why you are surprised or running this when it shouldn’t be necessary.