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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Sir Exo XII : 9/24/2021 10:47:05 AM

What happens if you shoot Mara's Ahamkara egg with Wishender?

So I spent the last [u]3 hours[/u] finally obtaining Wishender purely to test this. There's a way to get past the weapon lowering in the H.E.L.M. [i](No I'm not sharing it, it's too simple for that)[/i], and you can position yourself so that you can see between the two large doors and fire at the egg. I'm disappointed to tell you, [b]no, Wishender doesn't affect Riven's last Ahamkara egg.[/b] I was curious if Bungie had left it there with the possibility that someone would try this, and leave a small easter egg if you do manage to do it, the lack of which is kind of disappointing, but to be expected.

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