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Modifié par Iqeris : 9/30/2021 9:57:43 AM

Accessibility: Auto-Sprint

I lack the strength to press the thumbsticks to sprint. I currently use the PS5's button remapping feature to map L3 to circle so that I can sprint. Unfortunately, this leaves me no choice but to map circle to one of the D-pad arrows. Both sprinting and crouching now require me to take my fingers off the sticks every time, leaving me vulnerable in hard PvE content and at a severe disadvantage in PvP. Custom controllers with paddles don't work for me. Auto-Sprint would make my Destiny life so much better, transformative even. A lot of big games such as Apex and Fortnite have it too. The way it works: when you push the thumbstick forward a little you just walk at normal speed; when it's all the way forward you sprint. Auto-Sprint would mean I'd no longer need to remap buttons. Please consider, Bungie.

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