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Modifié par nutmmm : 2/2/2016 4:40:29 AM

Destiny is the most racist game there is, we need to stop this racism!

If you remember when you saw one of the first cut-scenes in the tower, where the speaker says to push back the darkness guardian? Well, most thought that the darkness was the evil forces when in fact the message Bungie was trying to send across is that we must push away all the darkness or more plainly the dark people. I was shocked when I first heard the speaker say this, but through-out the whole game you are told to attack the darkness, but this is a horrible message to be sending, because dark people have as much right to live as the rest of the people. We need to stop encouraging Bungie that this is OK because IT IS NOT! We should stop playing this game and apologize to black people for this racism and accept that all people are equal. We need to tell Bungie that we will not support a racist game like this! We must stop this racism! We should not think this OK! It seems most people think this is a joke! I am saddend to see the community so racist, this is not a joke, black people are not aliens we need to destroy! They are not even an evil force! They are also people themselves! Ok, it seems from all the insulting comments from the racists here they cannot quite see what I am saying yet so here is some more proof. Take the moon for example, the ghost says "We gave up the moon to keep the hive away from earth, we hoped that would be enough for them.", what Bungie is saying here is that any place with too many black people (hive = darkness = dark people) they have to abandon to try to keep away from them because there is too many to kill. When the black people (hive) want to join the people on earth they get white people (guardians) to go and hunt down their boss (crota) and kill as many as possible on the way, to try and stop black people from spreading onto white territory. So hopefully this other example will show you the extreme racism Bungie is spreading through their game! And more importantly why we need to stop it! Come on, what is wrong with you stupid racists? Can you still not see what is wrong with this game? Just look at the traveler, it represents a white leader sacrificing itself to stop everyone having a bit of dark skin, and when it dies/gets wounded it starts turning what color? BLACK! Also look at the end of the story where is the last place you go to stop the darkness? The BLACK garden! Its called the black garden because the darkness (dark skinned people) live there. Inside the black garden you proceed to kill everything to stop the dark people. This is not OK, can you not see that this is a terrible message? Is the world now too racist to see this fact? All of you sadden me, with your racism, but this might just change your racist minds.

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