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8/15/2022 1:15:53 AM

Writing prompt 3

There are three requirements for this one. (At least) Two characters One frying pan And a dodo bird. Go nuts

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  • "A dodo bird?" Selene asked. She was a petite little Clavat, with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in a baggy dark brown robe decorated with intricate symbols that even she didn't know what meant. Like always, she was holding a thick diary in her hand. Standing across from her was Elric, who was a little shorter than most Yukes, but still far taller than any of his companions. Like all Yukes, Elric was a living suit of armor, that looked vaguely like an anthropomorphic bird--the visor of his helmet pointing down like a beak, and a pair of small bat-like wings on his back. His armor was mostly a bronze color, interwoven with thick robes of blue, and red. "Yes, a dodo bird." Elric confirmed. Selene's head tilted to the side in confusion. "What's a dodo bird?" "I think he's just making up words, now." Kaz Yui said, lounging in the hill not far from the other two. She was a Selkie, and looked very much like how you'd imagine a Selkie to look; long greyish-blue hair, with a pair of greyish-blue eyes to match. She wore a fur trimmed black top, that didn't cover her midriff, alongside a green skirt and black leggings. She didn't seem particularly concerned with the conversation at hand, laying on the grass with her arms behind her head, and her eyes closed. "I very much am not." Elric said. "According to our client, dodo birds can be found on Mount Vellenge, and we are being offered a very large sum of money to go get one." "Aren't you already rich?" Selene asked. "What do you need the money for?" "My father is rich, but not so much myself. And since the miasma is cleared, my previous plan as making a life as part of a Crystal Caravan isn't going to work anymore. However, with the sum we're being promised for this bird, none of us would ever need to work again!" "I'm in! This sounds like fun!" "No, this sounds like a scam." Kaz said. "Don't worry, I did the proper verifications. This deal is completely legitimate." Elric said. Kaz sat up, and walked over to the other two, scooping up her wooden racket as she did. Defiantly planting it on the ground, placing her free hand on her hip, she stared down Elric right where she imagined his eyes would be, were his head not a helmet. "Oh yeah? Who's the one asking for this doodoo bird, anyway? Princess Fiona?" "[i]Dodo[/i]!" Elric barked. "And no, it is not Princess Fiona. Our client is Jack Moschet." "Jack Moschet!?" Kaz yelled. "Should I know who that is?" Selene asked. "Yes!" Kaz snatched Selene's diary from her, and turned to a blank page, where she drew a crude drawing of a giant monster holding stick figure versions of their old caravan in a poorly drawn frying pan, which she then showed to the other two. "Last time we met Jack Moschet, he tricked us into staying the night at his mansion, and then he tried to eat us!" Elric stole the book back from Kaz, and then handed it back to Selene. "If you recall, Kaz, last time we met Jack Moschet we also effortlessly defeated him in combat. He's no threat to us." "If [i]you[/i] recall, Elric, it took all five of us to take him down! And that was before Selene lost her memory, she can't even fight anymore!" "I can fight!" Selene yelled. "Think fast." "Wha-" Selene promptly found Kaz's racket swinging into her face, and she was sent tumbling down the hill, screaming all the way. "Kaz, that was completely uncalled for!" Elric snapped. "Oh please, she'll be fine!" "Whether or not she'll be fine isn't the point!" ----- As the two argued up at the top, Selene continued her tumbling descent downwards. Her screams were soon heard by Ben Jo--Kaz's brother--but before he managed to do something about it, she tumbled right into him, sending them both rolling across the ground before coming to a painful stop. "Sorry Ben..." Selene said, in a dizzied voice. "Don't worry about it..." Ben said, not faring much better. He managed to steady his wobbling head, and help Selene to her feet. "Why were you rolling down the hill?" "Kaz smacked me." Ben let out a loud laugh. "Guess she's got to hit [i]somebody[/i] when I'm not around!" "It actually really hurt." Selene said, rubbing her cheek where she was hit. "Eh, don't worry, she'd never hit you hard enough to really hurt you! What'd she hit you for, anyway?" "Elric asked us to help him look for a dodo bird for somebody named Jack Moschet, and I guess that made her mad." "This the same Jack Moschet that tried to eat us, like, 3 years ago?" "Uh.. Maybe?" "Oh yeah, guess you wouldn't remember, huh? Man, well don't worry, that's one memory you shouldn't be upset about losing! It was a pretty horrible day! Well if Elric thinks it's fine, I'm sure it's fine! What even is a dodo bird? Jack trying to eat that, too?" "I dunno. Elric says we can find one on Mount Vellenge." "Mount Vellenge? Oh, hey, I think I've seen one, then!" "Really!?" Selene asked excitedly. "Yeah! Back when you lost your memory! I saw a whole bunch of them up the mountain, and took them all home with me!" "Wait, really?" Selene asked, confused. "Yeah, c'mon, I'll show you!" Ben led the way across town, to a large hole he dug in the ground. Inside were at least two dozen grey birds, with large beaks and small wings. "How did you sneak these all on the caravan!?" Selene asked. "Or into the town for that matter!? How has nobody noticed this giant hole for an entire year!?" "I have my ways!" Ben hopped into the hole, and snatched up on of the birds, before climbing back up the wall. "Ta-da! One dodo bird!" "Haha, yes! Thanks, Ben! Let's go tell Elric!" Selene and Ben ran back across town, and Selene held the bird high above her head as they got close to the hill. [i]"Elriiiiiiic! I got a dodo bird!"[/i] She sang at the top of her lungs. "Truly!?" Elric asked, flabbergasted. "How on earth did you-" And then the ground shook with the thud of a heavy footstep. And then another. And another. Soon enough, a giant monster rose over the horizon. It was a gigas, a huge gorilla-like beast, with massive horns, beaming red eyes, and large fangs shooting up from its lower jaw. This one in particular was wearing an ornate purple outfit, and had his horns decked out in gold and jewels. He slowly approached Selene, his shadow quickly consuming her, and soon enough he towered over her. Lowing his eyes to her, he let out a low growl. "So.." He said in a deep, gruff voice. "You have a dodo bird?" "A-A-Are you Jack Mos-Moschet..?" Selene stuttered out, holding the bird tightly. The monster's face curled into a sharp toothed grin, and he took a step closer. He lunged for her, and she snapped her eyes shut, bracing herself for whatever was to come, but a few moments later it seemed nothing happened. Opening her eyes, she found Jack Moschet on his knees, his hands clasped together. "Please, let me have that bird!" Jack pleaded. "You see, it's my wife Maggie's birthday in a few days, and I promised I'd get her one! And if I don't she'll be very upset, and when Maggie gets upset, she gets very, very upset! I'll give you anything!" Selene paused for a moment, as she looked over the gargantuan beast in front of her. And then her eyes lit up. "Anything!?" "Anything!" Jack confirmed. -------- "Weeee!" Selene yelled. "Hahahahahaha! This is amazing!" She was perched up on Jack Moschet's back, as he ran around the nearby field leaping and bucking around like a bull. "Hahaha! Hold on!" Jack yelled. "This time I'm going to jump really high!" "Woa-aaaaaaaaahahahahaha!" Selene screamed as they leapt into the air, which soon transformed into a laugh as they came back down. Across the way, Ben Jo, Kaz Yui, and Elric all stood watching, Ben holding the dodo in his arms. "Did she really trade the dodo bird for a piggyback ride..?" Elric asked. "There goes our money.." Kaz said, her head hanging low. "Well if you didn't spend so much time arguing with me-!" Elric said, before letting out a defeated sigh. Ben turned towards them with a big grin on his face. "Do you think he'd let me have a turn, next? That looks pretty fun?" Kaz gave him an annoyed glare, before shooting her fist into his face, sending him tumbling down the hillside, screaming all the way down.

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  • [spoiler]tried writing [b]something[/b] prompt is good, it’s just my inability to write, and procrastination[/spoiler] Xyun: “This might just be one of the worst ideas you’ve had in a while!” James: “Hey, the world’s ending soon, so who’s going to stop me?” Xyun: “You’re going to get yourself killed James!” James: “So what, I’ve died before, like this is going to be any different. Besides, it’s just a bird, what’s the worst that could happen?” Xyun: “Fine, but if you die, I won’t be bringing you back, if I even can that is.” James: “Don’t count on it Xyun!” [b]Well, you’re probably wondering why even bother with this. I don’t exactly have much time to answer that question. Hell, I don’t even know who I’d even write this to in the first place. The only thing that concerns me is how I’d even find one of these things in the first place, seeing as the Spanish killed em’ all.[/b] [b]Eh, I’ll worry about that later, or at least whenever I start walking again.[/b] Xyun: “Talking to yourself again James?” James: “Why are you following me?” Xyun: “Well first of all you haven’t even moved yet. Also, I’m supposed to guide you to the afterlife, you are dead after all.” James: “True, though that won’t stop me from finding one of those damned things.” Xyun: “Now why would you want to do that?” James: “Never had one before, that’s why. Now, do you want to help me find one, or what?” Xyun: “Fine, I’ll help you find a dodo, but on one condition.” James: “And that is?” Xyun: “After you’ve killed the bird, I’ll send you to the afterlife, capisce?” James nods, holsters his frying pan, and starts walking. Xyun watches and then slithers after him. [b][i]15 hours later…[/b][/i] James: “We’ve been walking for.. 15 hours now… still no dodo.” Xyun smiles and chuckles a little, James looks at her. James: “What’s so funny, huh?” Xyun: “I probably could have just set one loose all this time. Might have a soul of one the poor things on me, might, not sure.” Xyun begins rummaging through her bag as James just sits down. After a while Xyun pulls out a small sphere and places it on the ground. After a few minutes a dodo materializes in front of her. The creature immediately begins running away at the sight of her with James following after it. Xyun just watches as the pair run off, laughing to herself as she does.

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    • “What in the world is that thing?” Those where the first words I spoke when I saw it. I knew something strange would be found amidst the ruins centuries old which we delved into, but I wasn’t expecting something as strange as this. Recently, I had discovered the location of a long lost ruins deep within the dead zone. Of course we had to investigate, Afterall a trove of hidden knowledge potentially awaited within. How could we not? The difficult part wasn’t getting there, while hordes of bandits patrolled the area they where easy to allude, instead it was what to do once inside. A common trend in ancient civilizations seems that they had a tendency to guard their fortifications and structures with very elaborate and impractical means of defense. Old fashioned trip wires and pressure plates littered the place and the door was particularly warded. Enchanted it was too, for it was entirely made of glass with no opening mechanism. Well, none but the iron frying pan we found nearby and used to break it open. The place itself was strange, it seemed to be riddled with exotic paraphernalia long degraded to the grasp of time. Furthermore, strange beast stalked its halls. Scavangers mostly, but not those without danger for even a scavenger can have a taste for flesh. With all the troubles getting here, yet alone the beast ridden tunnels which twisted and turned within, I never expected to find anything like this. Within one of the chambers of the twisting labyrinth we found ourselves in, was a strange creature standing behind a sheet of broken glass. It was not like the many foul ones we found earlier in our journeys either. Nay, instead it was a bizarre beast riddled with feathers. It stood on two yellow legs which lead to a rather plump body covered in blueish grey feathers. Two minuscule wings that hardly looked capable of carrying its body adorned its sides, and it had a large craning neck on which its strange head sat, adorned with a large black and yellow beak. It looked similar to the many chicken you could find around any farm and hamlet, yet it was taller and stranger indeed. Two green eyes sat on either side of its head, casually looking around as if nothing was amiss. Perhaps the creature itself did not realize it was within an ancient dungeon untouched for centuries, however unlikely it was. The strange creature seemed not to notice my party and instead stood around the empty room occasionally emitting a slight chirping sound. “I have never seen a creature like that in all of my lives.” Came a voice from behind me, the voice of one of my companions. A warrior woman who was standing head to toe in metal plates, and perhaps the best friend I have ever had. “Nor have I.” I stated, “The archives state nothing of this, unless it’s in some tale I am forgetting.” “Do you think it could be dangerous.” The warrior pondered, typically assessing threats. “Hardly. That beak doesn’t look sharp, and its wings don’t look functional at all. In all honesty, it looks kind of cute.” “Looks can be deceiving.” My cautious companion warned. “Should I touch it?” “Why would you do that?” “Because, why wouldn’t I? It doesn’t look harmless.”
 “If your only defense is why not, then perhaps it is not something you should be doing. After all, you know what happened last time.” “I’m going to touch it.” “Perhaps we could call Casper over instead, he could asses the creature with his knowledge.” “Nay, tis not important enough for him. Plus, if it is truly dangerous, we don’t want the scribe to be on the front lines.” “Fair enough. I just don’t think….” She began, but at that point I wasn’t really listening. I began to walk forwards towards the creature, crouching down so I could be closer to its level and sticking my right hand out towards it. Though my other arm reached towards the sword sheathed on my back, just in case it was as dangerous as my companion feared. Reaching out towards the creature, I quickly stroked its feathery plume almost rebelliously. To my disappointment, the creature didn’t respond. Only then was when I noticed what it really was. “So I guess we are touching it.” My friend sighed, truly a strange sound but that’s okay. After all, she was still learning. “Its not real.” I stated with disappointment. “What do you mean by such statement.” The metal warrior asked. “It hasn’t responded to anything. Our dim torchlight created a mirage of movement, while the noise came from somewhere else, it’s a replica of something but not an actual creature.” “I see. Then the glass in front of it must have been a defense mechanism, along with the traps. Perhaps it something they wished to defend, maybe some symbol they held dear?” “Or perhaps it’s something they didn’t want to forget. After all, why else make a replica of it?” I supposed, slowly nodding in agreement to myself. Why they wanted to remember I knew naught, but whoever built this place wanted to remember the creature. Why else build a monument to it? Its the same thing one does when singing songs of the past, trying to make that past yet live on in the present. Protecting its values while learning from its flaws, and perhaps that was the same thing with this mock creature. “Shall we continue on then? After all, there is much still to explore.” My companion asked and I nodded in agreement. I quickly scanned around the room to see if any hidden secrets yet remained, but my keen eyes fought naught. Quickly, I plucked a single feather from the replicas body before turning to follow my friend. A reminder of the long lost past not fully forgotten, before heading out to see what else could be explored.

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      • Modifié par xRealm : 8/16/2022 8:45:37 PM
        Human1 was walking home one day when he encountered a dodo. After shouting and screaming and expressing normal human fear emotions, he was assaulted by the dodo. It did some pecking and some prodding but it did it quite hard. Human1 was screaming during the ordeal as well because human emotions :D. That was when Human2 walked onto the setting and was promptly killed by a rogue frying pan to the head- all that remained was a bloody mandible. Human2 was only here to knock out the other two requirements. Serves her right, that -blam!-. Human1 soon died and ascended to Heaven because of the power of friendship and loooovvvee and peace maaan and the dodo got British Museum-ed. [spoiler]i dont like this app sometimes. the thing wiped my first attempt at this prompt[/spoiler]

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        • Jake walks into the room. “Hi mike, nice dodo bird you got there.” Mike replies “yeah his name is Albert. Can’t wait to cook him.” “Isn’t that the last living dodo bird though?” … “Yes” Jake looks at mike. His cold dark eyes pierce mikes soul. Mike knows something is wrong. “Let me go get you a frying pan for you.” Jake says. “Alright don’t take to long.” Mike is terrified at this point. He doesn’t want to hurt his friend but he wants to cook the bird. He makes one final conclusion. “I’ve got the frying pan!” Yells Jake as he comes running towards Mike. Bang! Mike shot Jake in the knee. “Haha, loser. Frying pans are nothing compared to guns. Imma go cook him now.” Jake dies from loss of blood and Mike gets a tasty drumstick from Albert. “Tastes like chicken. KFC would be better.” The end 🐋

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          • Rough hands grabbed me and slammed me against a hard slab. The sack over my head was ripped away, and my eyes were filled with blackness. I struggled, I writhed against them, but their iron grips held me still as they restrained my feet and my chest and my head against the slab. They moved away, and for a moment, there was silence. Just me and the dark. Then, a click sounded, and my eyes stung as a brilliant blue flame blazed beneath the stove top. A cast iron frying pan rested atop. I could not look away from it. Slow, methodical footsteps thumped closer and closer in the dark as another marched toward me. In the shadow cast by the flame, I could see a hand. It flicked once, and I flinched as the pan hissed fiercely, devouring the pat of butter that had suddenly appeared on its surface. [i]"Do you know why you are here?"[/i] a thin, raspy voice whispered from behind my ear. "Y- yes," I whispered hoarsely back. The voice chuckled softly,[i] "I doubt that."[/i] I gulped, taking short, panicked breaths, watching the butter bubbled and spread across the frying pan, unable to look away. Fingertips, softer than goosedown pillows, gently stroked my neck. I thrashed against it, trying to pull away, away, as far and as high as I could, but the fingers never moved, and neither did I. They curled around a tuft on my neck, and with a wrench, yanked it away. Blood welled up at the wound, trickling down my neck, down my shoulders. "Please, please don't do this!" I pleaded, tears spilling from my eyes. [i]"It is time.[/i]" I barely noticed the pinprick on my neck, as tears streamed down my face. The frying pan blurred beneath my vision. My head felt woozy, and I coughed out a dribble of spit, as a wave of nausea overtook me. [i]"You are not ready," [/i] "No, no I am not," I slurred. [i]"It is of no consequence," [/i] I whimpered as two wedges of cold, sharp metal tightened around my limbs. Then, a horrible cracking noise, the noise of my own bones breaking against its horrible metal tools, and yet I could not feel the pain. Gushes of warm blood streamed down my side, and soon, a dead weight dropped from my body, leaving only the tingle of a forgotten feeling. There was the darkness; the frying pan; blood, sweat, and tears dribbling down my body; nausea, and worst of all, its horrible, rasping voice. [i]"We gave you a chance,[/i]" it purred, strutting around to my other side "I- I know!" I blubbered out "[i]But you failed us[/i]" "I only needed more time!" [i]"More time?"[/i] it chuckled again, [i]"You had enough time."[/i] Its shears tightened around my other limbs, as I sobbed, my cries drowning out the creaking and mangling of my bones. [i]"Do you remember trying to find the perfect spot for your home?" Crunch. "Do you remember trying to find the perfect materials for your home?" Crunch. "Do you remember trying to find the best things to eat around your home?" Crunch.[/i] The weight fell away. "I remember," I murmured, softly to the distorted vision of the frying pan. [i]"But you cannot remember finding the one thing we asked you to find, can you?" [/i] "I could've found one! I swear to you, I could have done it!" [i]"But you didn't"[/i] I fell silent. There was nothing more to say. My strength was gone. My blood was spilling away from my body. My mind was overwhelmed with nausea. My mouth hung open as I struggled to take short breaths in the space of the darkness. Done with its grisly task, it marched around to my front. I tried to crane my neck as its body slowly covered the burning frying pan. I could only see the handle when it spoke: [i]"Think of this not as an end, but as a sacrifice. Your name will be lauded throughout the greatest halls. Your body will be anointed by the greatest preparers. You will be surrounded by the most aromatic fragrances and herbs. The world's most dignified figures will be at a feast in your honor. All these things you wanted in life. Why is it that now you seem not to care?"[/i] "I would rather live," I stammered out. [i]“A shame, then. To lose what you value most when you believed you had everything.”[/i] The handle was covered by darkness. I heard a faint whoosh, and then, there was nothing.

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            • Modifié par A New Fridge : 8/15/2022 3:25:49 PM
              [i]Orville walks home from the store to his and his brothers bike shop. They've had this shop for years, and just now they decided to purcahase a frying pan, although Wilbur (Orvilles Brother) despises eggs. Orville steps into the shop with a frying pan in hand, and calls to his brother. Wilbur is not impressed, but tells Orville he's got a surprise for him. He steps to the side and shows off... A pet dodo bird? Orville is naturally shocked, but Wilbur assures him the dodo is both real and safe. However, as soon as he unlatches the cage holding it, it bolts and scrambles for the door. Wilbur is in shock, but Orville tries to catch it. However, with immense strength, the dodo flies off with the frying pan. Wilbur and Orville stare in awe... although they are branded town sillies for claiming to have seen a dodo, Wilbur insists. Then, the Wright Brothers themselves spend the next few years developing a flying machine for capturing the bird and pan. After Kitty-Hawk, they never find either, but to this day the Dodo is sitting in her pan, playing with her chicks, and waiting for the day society is ready to embrace the Dodo Clan.[/i]

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            • 🦤=🍳 😯

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