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9/13/2022 12:56:22 PM

Known issues states Dawn Chorus no longer in collections - Also completely unobtainable if not unlocked.

As the title says, Known Issues lists that Dawn Chorus isn't showing in collections, but I can't find any mention of the drop being unavailable if not previously unlocked and want to get some awareness going. Any Reddit threads just get hive mind downvoted to oblivion so no way to gain any traction over there. I have Beyond Light purchased on the account & platform in question, and have completed the campaign on my Warlock. Did 40-50ish runs of the helmet lost sector the other day, got the new Arc warlock helmet on one of the first couple runs, followed by 10+ dupes in the following even though I have never obtained Dawn Chorus, so I am fairly convinced that it is unobtainable. Wanted to raise awareness as the icon being missing from collections is likely quite a low priority fix, but hopefully the item being missing and unobtainable would boost the priority of a fix being looked at.

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