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10/18/2022 2:42:51 PM

this is unfair

Yes i have a bad internet and it caused me to disconnect alot and i did try to make it better by changing network setts, updating drivers, dns, selfish net, contacting the company, changing the wifi, changing the adapter, ethernet, literally everything It is the best network in my country and area the problem isn't only in destiny but every other game, web, app, etc... games only banned you when you disconnect a lot from ranked/competitive matches, but destiny has none (other than trials which i only unlocked yesterday and played one game in without having bad connection) isn't it unfair that they restrict me because of normal gambit/crucible matches? i can't do anything about it i can't make my internet better i have to pay for 3x amount of my current service just to get the best fiber service which they haven't even built in my area yet so i need to pay that too (i pay almost around 150$ a month) note: I'm not the only one in the country who has these problems it is a common thing

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  • Hello there[url=],[/url] The reasons that can cause a restriction can be found here: [url=]Why was I Restricted?[/url] Restrictions for [i]Connections[/i]: The 1st restriction is for 2 weeks Each additional will be 2 months If you believe the restriction was placed in error, feel free to submit an appeal on this [url=]Page[/url]. Please read all the info on the page before submitting the form at the bottom. [b]The form is for appeals only, they do not answer questions as to why or how long.[/b] [spoiler] Requests for additional information, such as the length of a restriction or reason for a ban, will be disregarded. Here are some suggestions that may help with connection issues: [spoiler] [quote]1. Use a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi 2. Quit any program or turn off other devices that are streaming 3. Clear your [url=]console cache[/url] or, if on PC, [url=] verify the integrity of your game files[/url]. 4. Power cycle your internet router 5. [url=]Improve your latency and packet loss[/url] 6. Follow the [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for best optimizing your connection to Destiny. If issues persist, try the [url=]Advanced Steps Networking Guide[/url] for possible router solutions, such as enabling UPnP or changing your NAT type. 7. Enable IPV6 on your router to see if that helps[/quote] [/spoiler]

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