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Destiny 2

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10/24/2022 6:42:40 AM

Heavy Machine Guns (The Heavy problem)

I think the problem with HMGs are how their ammo economy paired with certain perks aren't really tailored to the brrrrr--machine gun fantasy. I want something like "Mulligan" perk on a Rapid frame with like 30% chance return for every missed shot that way i can just spray away against ads. Its pretty bland to having to only tap the trigger to conserve ammo. [b]Give them A LOT OF AMMO[/b]. I feel like they need to really tweak the HMG frames to have certain specialties like Rapid Fires have less damage per bullet but since they have soooo much in the mag and in reserves they have decent constant dps and high total damage. High Impacts have slow rpm perfect for majors and boss flinching or PVP for calculated shots. My point is Machine guns need to feel like machine guns by being free to hold the trigger down. + They need to rethink [u]different types of heavy weapons for different types of playstyle or boss mechanics[/u]. I imagine HMGs should be best for a non-health gated bosses that needs constant damage otherwise some regen mechanic kicks in. Give HMGs crazy amounts of ammo but their dps is low and spread out but have high total damage. Have a boss with shields blocking the line of fire so Grenade Launchers be the best option with their curved shots. There are soooo many guns already that I think its not a matter of needing newer guns but actually bring out the full potential of all these other underutilized guns out of the "Meta". Don't just switch up the meta, expand it.

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