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Destiny 2

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11/17/2022 3:08:39 PM

Faction inventory accesable

This is more of a personal request / question. Would it be possible for to make all of the faction items available again ? Weapons. Ships. Ghost shells. Emblems. Shaders. Armor. Armor ornament. Sparrows. I wouldn't even mind having them in their year 1 version. I do have acouple of faction items already. Fwc and New monarchy that is. I was new at the time and obviouslt didn't know how they worked nor that you could collect from all factions. I played with my friend and he some what guided me through the game and he told me about the factions and he also looked up which faction had the best rewards and picked it. Because of that i missed out on alot of cool and unique items. Again a more of a personal want. Obviously this would make them available to everyone, i am not asking to have them add them to my collection, so it is not a selfish request. I know this is a wierd request, especially with all the drama going on right now and also for me to ask to have them in their year 1 version which would not be that usable now. it is mainly just to see what i missed and i do like to sometimes pull out weapons from the collection and use them every now and again. Also the emblems and shaders could always be used.

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