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Destiny 2

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11/17/2022 10:00:32 PM

TWAB looks good, but I have 2 major concerns.

TWAB looks good for the most part. I like finally having a dedicated ranked mode and a (more) true quickplay mode. However, two big concerns: 1. You say the Division playlist will be where we show off our "skill." How exactly are we supposed to do that to our best ability when the movement skill gap has been neutered with AE and the slide nerfs? AE directly contradicts with this vision of Division playlist. Moving [i]while we fight[/i] and doing that well is reflective of skill level. This needs to be in a playlist that is meant to celebrate skill. If that means removing/reworking AE and reworking movement exotics that make movement easier, so be it. 2. The lack of rewards from Division may lead to lower participation, which makes it harder for pretty much everyone, regardless of skill level. I think unique ornaments, shaders, ships, sparrows, etc. would have been a great idea to get people in there.

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  • Modifié par PhenoZero : 11/18/2022 3:15:47 PM
    Is a good effort to bring back life in crucible, but they forgot the most important thing in my opinion: games should be fun. With the actual meta and movement they can revamp everything, but people will get bored soon because the PVP is simply not fun, especially if we have to grind ranks without any reward, crazy that they don't even put an emblem or any type of esthetic thing while reaching higher ranks. Give us back the fun in crucible, put SBMM everywhere but at least remove the movement nerf, I don't want to rank passing all the games behind a corner with pulse rifles. AE ruined crucible, who thinks different is just a bad player that prefers an easy win instead the state of the crucible and fun.

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