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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Ovelha do Gelo : 12/31/2022 2:14:59 PM

Accessibility Support:

I'd like to suggest something to be "properly" added in Destiny 2. Unfortunately I can only play games using my Wacom Tablet, so I'd like to suggest the addition of Accessibility Support. You know, for those with Disabilities - yeah, playing games using Drawing Tools (mostly Wacom) is a thing and most games give "some" support to it. I actually tried to play the game a few times using my Keyboard and Wacom but I couldn't do that "properly". The camera didn't moved at all, though everything else was fine. It's mostly so we can move the camera and actually see where we're going. I say "properly" in quotes because there's a cheesy way of gaining some camera movement, though it's not as intended and it glitches with an annoying frequency, "resetting" to a previous state when you try to move it more than in a single drag. If it's something out of the plans or an inconvenience, I can cope with that. I mean, I've only been able to play the game on YouTube, from.. well, videos. I wish I could experience the game by myself. But with Accessibility Support, I'm sure more people would be able to play the game for themselves and enjoy it.~

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