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Destiny 2

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Modifié par illusive : 1/15/2023 3:34:44 AM

Community hurts my feelings

I have been getting called a recov for months and it genuinely hurts my feelings. I went from a .9 to a 1.2kd in trials then i replaced my 60 inch 10 year old tv with a 27 inch 120 fps monitor and instantly jumped to a 1.8. This community is so mean to me calling me a recov it hurts when ive been putting the time in and improved my setup. Including but not limited to these two small streamers with 28k combined trials games talking crap about me in their chat and not giving my story av listen at all. I am so helpless to prove my case there’s nothing I can do but explain but nobody ever cares and it hurts to be called a recov so much i’ve been playing 6 months straight after taking a year long break, I am getting better every week just for people to spam recov. Again if you know . Not just them but everybody who’s been calling me recov for the past 2 months.

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