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Destiny 2

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2/27/2023 4:52:58 AM

Hackers in comp :)

I have lost over 400rp in comp tonight due to hackers in ascendant 2 and 3. Funny thing is the first game I lost cuz the hacker was on the enemy team and he never got banned/kicked throughout the entire match. Second time there was a cheater on my team and we lost because he got kicked/banned after the 2nd round and we had a 3v2 for the rest of the match resulting in another loss. So very ironic lol. Anyway if they have an anti-cheat/reporting system why is it only good enough to get them some of the time and when it does get them why don't they have a system that instantly ends the match after banning them and nobody gains or loses rp? And I'm gonna guess that bungie will not reset my rp. Why would they when they clearly don't know how to manage pvp in their game. Nobody wants rift especially not on these huge 6v6 maps like dysjunction, etc. People have been giving negative feedback on the new comp system since it came out and nothing has been said or changed. I can deal with the trash maps, ability spam and rift but when my whole team is getting meleed from some guy under the map when we haven't left spawn at the beginning of a round it makes it hard to want to play and grind comp or pvp in general.

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  • Time for you to learn some facts... 1. The reporting system is not and never has been a automatic ban. It takes multiple reports to flag a account for investigation by Bungie staff. If the investigation (which will take days or weeks depending on Bungie's workload) finds that the person did cheat then a ban is issued. Bungie knows too well that players will report others for petty reasons such as losing a match to them or not liking their loadout. Some will report others for cheating for misguided reasons such as the other player just suffering lag. 2. Long gone are the days of a lone programmer in a basement creating cheats. Now it is whole teams of programmers in offices making millions every year from creating and selling their latest cheats (even subscription services). Game studios spend alot of time and money creating or buying the latest anti-cheat systems but the cheat creators are constantly creating new cheats to bypass them. Some cheaters will always slip through the net which is why all online games have report options as we players are the last line of cheat detection. There have been cheaters since before games went online and will be well into the future when Destiny is just a footnote in a history book. As long as people are willing to pay for the latest cheat programs there will always be those who will gladly supply them. I read a news story that Bungie did go after one of these cheat creating teams in a long (multi year) legal action and won. I expect though that the team will soon disband but reform under a new name. So what do you expect Bungie to do as every day as we see people kicking off about being banned on the #Help forum page.... and these are only the ones who think playing nieve, have excuses or just thinking that making a fuss will get them back in. Complain all you want but Bungie is taking action but for every move the game studios take there are cheat creators who soon release a counter.

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