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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Fabian Strategy (Timelost) : 3/1/2023 5:38:29 PM

Potd#8(or is it 9, lemme check) opinions on the new mods (and some more info on how they work)

I love the new mod system


I like the new mod system


I think it’s okay, but could be better


I’m neutral/like it as much as the old system


I think it’s kinda meh


I think it’s bad


I despise the new system


Heyoooo friends here’s the first poll of lightfall!! With a surprisingly controversial topic, MODS Here’s the previous post So all mods are now either by damage type; both primary, special, and heavy, and by damage element Every mod is locked to it’s armor type without any exceptions Mods are color coded based on their function Green mods help you build and sustain armor charge stacks more frequently Blue mods consume your armor charge stacks periodically Yellow mods exchange armor charge for an effect every time you use it And as we know elemental wells are completely gone, the skeleton of what remains has been thrown into charged with light, and renamed to be about orbs of power Armor charge can seemingly only be gained from orbs of power, contrary to the plethora of ways other mods could stack themselves. And there are now mods that make orbs more This is a dramatic simplification compared to how weapons, abilities, and more could generate stacks. These things could also consume them. Most of the ways to USE stacks has been completely simplified and this is where the biggest reduction of enjoyment comes from for me so far Favorite of mine like surprise attack; energy converter, and more that really shook things up are completely gone. Mods that let you use multiple resources at once for complex builds are also completely gone too. If every mod that existed a day ago was here still with all the other changes I think things would be more fun. Anyways what are your thoughts! Comment below and discuss how you feel, I think they’re okay, but bungie should really add more mods soon or things will get stale, but then again, outside of endgame strike/story content, builds don’t really matter that much… raids they’ve always been kinda pointless in. Newest poll

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