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Destiny 2

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4/18/2023 10:44:14 PM

Amanda's Ship Collection Broken

As the title says, after completing the final seasonal quest, I was told to go to the hangar in the tower to collect Amanda's ship... my fireteam leader collected the ship no problems... I have turned the game off, I have re logged and swapped characters and been to orbit and then back to the tower more times than I could be bothered to count, and NOTHING made it work for me .... I waited for 2hrs to get back on to D2 only to find what was added is broke .... I should have expected it with what I read on these forums, but I thought it was just a bunch of whiney kids complaining cos they can't have their own way... and some are... but many it would seem are sharing genuine complaints about the game.... surely this content was tested by Devs at least???? How is it possible to -blam!- up something like this? One of the first things encountered in this new update and its broken... its almost like Bungie couldn't care less now they have our money.... unless the service provided improves, I won't be buying The Final Shape, and I won't bother buying a Bungie title again, as the companies standards seem to have slipped so far that you would have to dig to the Earth's core to find them again....

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