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4/27/2023 9:37:32 PM

Shadowkeep Quest Bugged

Hello, I recently tried to complete the Shadowkeep campaign on my Hunter to obtain Assassins Cowl. I own the DLC and have completed it on another character. I had previously started it but abandoned it on my Hunter ages ago. The only quest available to recover from the kiosk now is the essence of anguish which states it has been cleansed and to work with Eris. I cannot locate the “Legacy: Shadowkeep” campaign anywhere, Eris offers no steps or dialogue, and the Lectern is completely inaccessible. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have tried everything and checked everywhere, please help. The quest states “the essence is cleansed but can’t be turned into armor yet, work with Eris to find a solution.” She doesn’t offer any dialogue though and the quest can’t be tracked. Second time posting**

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