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Destiny 2

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5/18/2023 6:56:15 AM

Proposal for Enhancing the Action in "Rift" Comp Mode - Empowering the Spark Carrier

Hello Bungie community and developers, I've been a dedicated player of Destiny for a long time now and I have grown particularly fond of the competitive mode "Rift." The unique, strategic objective of dunking the spark into the enemy's rift adds an exciting, dynamic aspect to the gameplay, reminiscent of a high-stakes American football game. However, I've observed that the gameplay can sometimes lack the level of action we all crave. The spark carrier's role can often feel static and unengaging, especially when left without nearby allies. To address this, I propose introducing advanced abilities specifically designed for the spark carrier, which would activate when no allies are nearby. This would make the spark carrier's role more dynamic, thrilling, and strategically important. Consider empowering the spark carrier with automatic weapon reloading, which would keep the action going even when alone. It would add an additional layer of strategy and decision-making, as well as enhance the intensity of the gameplay. Moreover, integrating special movement perks for the spark carrier could significantly ramp up the action and engagement level. For instance, abilities allowing the carrier to execute a backward somersault, fly, or even split into a hologram would bring a new level of excitement and unpredictability to the gameplay. Such changes would not only increase the thrill of the game but would also lead to more varied and strategic gameplay, as teams would need to plan around the enhanced abilities of the spark carrier. I hope this proposal resonates with the community and the developers. I strongly believe that these enhancements could bring a fresh wave of excitement to the "Rift" comp mode, and I am excited to hear what others think. Best regards, Yavna on 512#8160

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