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5/24/2023 1:29:24 PM


After the new season launched I updated the game and launched it, the first time it launched it seemed fine, and i got to watch the new season cutscene, but when the cutscene was done the game just closed itself all of a sudden with no error message. When I tried relaunching it after it crashed, it took me to a screen I've never seen before saying its downloading destiny, inside of destiny and "Verifying content". I let that run until it hits 100% and then it told me it needed a full Destiny 2 reinstall. So I did that. I reinstalled it on the same disk as its always been and worked on, same problem, I got put on the same Verifying Content page as before and once again I got told it needed a full reinstall. Now I've reinstalled it all over to a different SSD and guess what? Same problem, straight to the verifying content and error code BEAGLE just as before, surely this cant be my pc that's the problem right?? System specs: i5-11300H 8GB RAM Nvidia RTX3060

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