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6/10/2020 5:30:45 PM

Bought Destiny 2 Deluxe Edition on, does that still mean anything?

Hello everyone, back in 2017, when Destiny 2 was still in the Blizzard Launcher, I bought the "Deluxe Edition" for 80€. Having the deluxe edition meant, I wouldn't have to buy future DLCs, (Season Passes weren't a thing then). Last year, Destiny 2 went from Blizzard / to Steam and became F2P. Now my problem is: I paid 80€ for a game, which now is F2P and I have to buy everything new extra. I really like D2, but at the same time, I really cannot afford to buy every new season or DLC for 40€ when it's released. That is why I made the decision to pay those 80€ back then. Is there a way to get either those 80€ refunded OR to get that Deluxe Edition status on Steam? Thanks in advance, Cypher

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