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Modifié par Old-Iron-Sides : 6/27/2023 1:43:23 AM

Bugged Memory Fragment Quests not refreshing each week as they should.

I paid for Beyond light and I am locked out of the aspects and abilities due to the fact that the exo stranger is no longer providing quests. I have read about people reinstalling the game with no success. And the only thing I can think of is to delete my character and play through 3 years of content all over again. I don’t know why this isn’t being addressed, or even discussed but this is really frustrating when you pay for a game that already has shady practices and I’m starting to wonder if they even care about new players or returning players who are eager to complete the content we paid for. Playing the game and running into this issue, while being curious about Bungie’s newest content is not convincing me to buy more, because I am realizing how broken the game is. If it’s good and of value, sure I’ll spend the money. But come on man. The game is broken, and people have been waiting for years to have this bug fixed.

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