For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience.
We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for....
We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active....
Thanks for your consideration!
P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able
Hey seen your post a month or so ago I up voted it to save it for latter I liked what I read about your clan post and be interested in checking it out and seeing if I could be a good fit Im 35 cst PS5 chill guy try keep things simple and enjoy playing games been playing since D1 beta have pretty much tryed or done everything any questions just hit me up
36, west coast US, getting back into Destiny after taking a break during Beyond Light, want to learn/refresh on the raids and endgame and help others do the same
43 / Eastern US, been playing since Beta days on both Xbox and PC. Tired of trying to play mostly solo for the past several years...
21 / U.S West / D1 vet just getting back into D2, my main focus as of now is to run a lot of trials of Osiris and Iron Banner. I would like to eventually learn how to raid again as-well. I am very active usually daily if not every other day.
I’m 22 and run everything in the game as long I’m able to find a team. I can supply trials, raid, strike, etc reports if ya want. I’m a night owl that resides in eastern tz. Just looking for a good crew that’s up late so I can start running raids, dungeons, and gms again reliably.
Modifié par Nomadic Skye : 6/24/2023 7:33:54 AMI'm 24, in the Atlantic timezone (1 hour ahead of eastern time). Looking for a clan to chill with and do a bit of PvE and PvP with. I'm working on becoming an all-around player that does a bit of everything. I have some raid/dungeon experience, I want to get into GM Nightfalls soon, and I do quite a bit of crucible now (mainly Iron Banner/Control, not a huge fan of comp/trials atm). I'm a warlock main and I refuse to ever let that hold me back (so watch out meta Titans!) Bungie name is: Valiant Nomad TTV#0770
Been playing solo for about 3 years. I have always been afraid to join a clan, as I am not a hardcore gamer and worry about my game skills (I am no novice either). I am in my mid fifties, but consider myself to be a perpetual 15 year old. I'm a Texan (putting me in the Central Time Zone), I play evenings and weekends. I grow weary of the solo scene and want to branch out and up my game. I tried to apply, but got the "Clan Full" message. Hit me up if a spot opens up and I may be someone you think would work out. Xbox Gamer Tag is Shortbus
Solo for 4 or so years now haven't done much raids but will like to learn tho experiencing Hunter putting titan to rest and I'm 32 Psn:SenseiDemiGod
Howdy, my name is Cole and I'm a 30 year old male that lives in Alberta Canada (MDT time zone). I'm looking for a clan that I can raid with. My character is endgame ready but I just haven't found a good group of people to raid with yet. I work fulltime shiftwork in healthcare which means I could be online during the day or night depending on whether I'm working day shifts or night shifts. I do use discord. I'm a warlock main. In terms of skill level, I feel comfortable with legendary solo lost sectors. I'm looking for friends that enjoy a good laugh and also strive to be good teammates. My gamer tag is NightmareSeven7 and I'm on PS5.
Bump this
What’s going on? I’d be hella down to join if you’ll take a guy that has a pretty busy life ? If so , my name is josh! I’m 35 yrs old I live in utah . So that’s mtn standard I’m pretty sure ?! I have a 9 yr old daughter that is with me every other weekend. And I’m local truck driver .. With that being said. I to try to hop on and play every night sometimes longer than others but usually between 4-10/11 pm. I literally just created a discord beside it seems like it’s basically required for all clans but ya Lmk thanks I’ll try joining so the gamer tag Randsw900l will be mine
It’s a great clan of good people. Always got things going on