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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
6/22/2023 11:34:15 PM

We're a USA based clan (we also like Canadians!!!) looking for active adults on console who can press R2/RT and use Discord! (read the post, please!)

For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able

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  • Modifié par Nomadic Skye : 6/24/2023 7:33:54 AM
    I'm 24, in the Atlantic timezone (1 hour ahead of eastern time). Looking for a clan to chill with and do a bit of PvE and PvP with. I'm working on becoming an all-around player that does a bit of everything. I have some raid/dungeon experience, I want to get into GM Nightfalls soon, and I do quite a bit of crucible now (mainly Iron Banner/Control, not a huge fan of comp/trials atm). I'm a warlock main and I refuse to ever let that hold me back (so watch out meta Titans!) Bungie name is: Valiant Nomad TTV#0770

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