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Modifié par Dacies : 9/22/2023 1:24:15 PM

Done with the game until servers are fixed.

I don't know about anyone else. But I have reached a point with the error codes where I am not going to touch the game any more until the server issues are fixed or maybe entirely. It is absolutely infuriating to try and play Destny 2 at the moment. I even tried to spped clear some legend lost sectors to get some actuall game time in, and no matter how fast I do them I get an error code befor I can finish the activity around 70% of the time. Regardless of why it is happening DDOS or not, this is a multi million dollar company. If they have had this happen a lot before, why are they not deligating a generous portion of their funding an dump it into cyber security. I was hoping I could make it to the final shape without the game being so broken that I would want to quit entirely. Sadly this is not the case. It is clear that Destiny 2 is still on the "backburner" no matter how much we are reassured that it is not.

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